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The Healthy Habits Blueprint
Core values and internal motivators
Welcome!! (1:51)
Why are core values important? (1:46)
Define your core values
How to create an identity that supports you (1:49)
Quiz and homework
The anatomy of habits
The anatomy of an effective habit (3:04)
Your 'anchors' and current habits (3:43)
How to use your current habits to create new ones: Habit stacking (2:27)
How to use celebration to become your own cheerleader (2:06)
Quiz and homework!
Choosing your key health habits
Identifying your opportunities for change + key health habits (1:56)
Key Nutrition Habits (7:11)
How much do you actually need to work out? (2:31)
Sleep habits (3:39)
Mental health and self care habits (2:32)
Defining your 'big rock' habits
Breaking bad habits
How to identify your 'bad' habits (1:35)
The framework of breaking a bad habit (3:10)
How to engineer your environment for better habits (2:02)
Accountability and support: how to create your systems (3:13)
Motivation and Willpower
How does motivation work? (4:24)
Using Mindfulness for better motivation (1:46)
Build your motivation 'toolbox' (3:01)
Willpower and decision fatigue (2:04)
Mindset traps and building consistency
What does consistency mean in the context of your life? (2:10)
Mindset tricks and traps (6:43)
How to stay flexible: dealing with what you can and can't control (3:05)
Troubleshooting habits and how to keep going
The sphere of control : Understanding your own power (4:01)
Communication with others: boundary setting (3:00)
What happens when my routine changes? (2:45)
The keys to building resilience (2:39)
Feedback and final thoughts
*BONUS* Habits for healthier weight loss
5 key habits for diet-free weight loss (6:02)
Developing the habit of meal planning and prepping (3:39)
Build your motivation 'toolbox'
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